Friday, August 25, 2006

Joie de Vivre

This picture is Magali taken through a little prism kaleidoscope that she bought at our favorite store in Cambridge- Joie de Vivre. It is an amazing little shop full of things you can't live without like tin robots, spinning tops, round dice, miniature rubber chickens and ninjas...

It reminds me a little of the Johnson Smith Catalog. My father would give us a limit like, say, ten dollars. My brothers and I would then go through the catalog and dog-ear pages of joy buzzers, potato guns, and mouth harps until we had reached our monetary wall. Then we had to wait WEEKS for the loot to arrive.

But today I get all the glow in the dark bugs I need instantly when I whip out the cash- and I can spend just about as much as I want. I often do.

Today at Joie de Vivre we got some cool stickers of eyes and mouths that you use to transmogrify ordinary cell phones and cameras into twisted creatures bent on evil. Here's a shot of some of my desk things after Dash and Magali eyemouthed 'em.

We can't stop buying toys for them. We are bad parents that way. I had an apartment full of toys BEFORE I had kids. I got the kids to justify my spending habits already in place. Did I buy a little tin alligator clicker before I had children? Yes. Did I buy an electric froggy "ribbit" simulator to carry in my bag at all times two years before Dash was born? Yes.

I had Nerf guns and Star Wars action figure vehicles. I had tiny race cars and cap guns. But now that we have kids that's normal. As I mentioned, we make up for our normalcy, however, with QUANTITY. Our apartment floor is a sea of brightly colored plastic detritus from childhood.

Also half eaten Pop Tarts and the occasional Superman cape.

More of today's pictures: HERE

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