Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Emily and Joel Engagement

Who cares about rain? We walked around the gardens in the rain, having a great time hanging out with Emily and Joel before their wedding in September. Then we grabbed some coffee and headed to the Old Public Library in Boston. We are having fun shooting in this beautiful building when Emily says, "I work in Symphony Hall." WHAT!?

So we climb in the car and go to Symphony Hall where there is a rehearsal or something. We just walked in like we owned the place and started shooting. Then Sheryl sees a frosted glass door and asks them to get behind it. It turned out to be the ladies room and in about 20 seconds there were lots of people murmuring about a boy in the girl's room.

We had a great day. This wedding is going to be awesome!

HERE'S an engagement album I made for Emily and Joel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures.. doesn't my hubby to be look so handsome!! lol

Felix.. Sheryl.. I'm like your biggest fan! =)
You guys are awesome!

Can't wait for the wedding!