Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Magali Likes My Treo

Sara and I ditched Cingular for Verizon Wireless. Supposedly, it has the highest customer satisfaction and it has the best coverage for Boston. For the first time, we can use our cell phones IN our apartment rather than having to run out into the yard to get a signal.

We got Treos which are cell phones and palm pilots in one. Now instead of having to carry my "brain" and my phone I carry one. Of course I still have to carry my ipod and pager for work. How about it science? Anyway, for some reason I usually first decide to install cool applications that the kids will like and THEN think about whether or not it is a good idea for the kids to be playing with this thing.

They write notes that say "hug papa" and then set an alarm to go off in five minutes. Then they look at the note and guess who gets hugs? Not Sara. She doesn't let them play with hers. :)

More of todays pictures HERE

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