Friday, September 01, 2006

Our Babies Are Sick

This is just in case she needs to throw up... she didn't.

Both of our kids have a fever and have been in and out of bed all day- kind of walking around in a daze. Dash has gotten a lot better about this recently but some kids get all quiet and sweet when they are sick. And some kids do not.

Dash used to get furious when he was sick. When his nose got stopped up he would punch his nose over and over screaming, "It's not letting me SMELL!"

When he has an ear infection he hits his head and screams, "I'm going to PUNCH the PAIN out of my head!"

He argues and fights about taking medicine of any sort.

Magali is the opposite. She asks for meds and gets all cuddly and sweet when she's sick.

But, as I say, Dash has gotten a lot better about this and today he just wanted to snuggle and be read to. Can do.

More of today's pictures: HERE

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