Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Our pumpkins are a little sick. I wish that was our concept but I got the idea from the internet. The kids helped in the design phase.

Dash was a skeleton and Magali was a ballerina.

Sara made the costumes like she does every year. This year Dash and his buddy Ryan were both skeletons.

More of today's pictures: HERE

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Apple Pressing

On Thursday, we went with Dash's class to an apple orchard to collect and press apples into apple cider. I made a little album of the journey which can be viewed by clicking below:

Apple Cider Album: HERE

More of today's pictures: HERE

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What's With Those Tiny Pins?

Brian had a birthday party and Dash bowled for the second time in his life. Magali opted not to bowl. It was great fun and Dash did well but he didn't win. ARGGG!

For those of you (ya'll) down South... It's called Candlepin bowling and you use little balls that have no holes in them. You get three throws at the pins and they aren't cleared in between throws.

More of today's pictures: HERE

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Zoological Walks

Sara took this picture on the way to school. In the past few weeks we've seen a skunk, an opossum, a praying mantis, and this cool snake.

More of today's pictures: HERE

The Sky Is Copying Me

Sara took this picture of Magali walking home from dropping Dash off at school. Magali was singing to herself. We are proud to say that our kids both really love the Pogues. Their favorite song is a typical Irish folk punk brawler called "Sally Maclennane." There is a lyric that goes:

Sad to say I must be on me way
So buy me beer or whiskey 'cause I'm goin' far away

And then the whole band shouts "FAR AWAY!"

The kids love this part. Anyway, Magali was singing the song as she walked down the street and when the chorus came up she screamed at the top of her lungs, "FAR AWAY!" Then she stopped short. She screamed it again and then told Sara, "Mama, the sky is copying me."

Sara said, "That's called an echo."

So then Magali went walking down the street screaming, "ECHO!"

More of today's pictures: HERE

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our Insect Neighbor

Living in the city of Cambridge, one doesn't often see a five inch long praying mantis. This creature was hanging out on one of the kid's painted pumpkins. It's back is the same color as the stem of the pumpkin and I had to look closely at first to see it at all.

I wish sometimes that I had a proper macro lens but, truthfully, I don't take too many insect pictures.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I had the pleasure of shooting portraits of little Keira the other day. This child will have a difficult time in life if these superhuman levels of cute don't wane a bit. People will be falling all over themselves trying to give her everything she wants. She'll think everything is easy... Seriously, they don't come any more adorable than this, excluding my own impossibly gorgeous children, of course.

Anyway, the shoot went so well that I decided to make Keira my first test subject for a coffee-table style album. I do these albums for weddings but have never done one for a child shoot. I'm very happy with the results:


Monday, October 09, 2006

Cork Gun

I've mentioned before that I love low tech. I also love childish things... And the two converge in cork guns. I described them to Dash when we were in France this summer and I've been meaning to find one somewhere and today we found it at the candy store in Harvard Square.

The last picture is Dash blinking at the report of the gun. This is instinctual. Take a hammer and bang it really hard on a piece of wood and try to keep your eyes open the whole time. It's very hard. Now try it with someone else banging the hammer. It's even harder. Now try banging the hammer in your eye. I always blink when I do this.

More of today's pictures: HERE

Friday, October 06, 2006

Charlene Came Out to Play

Magali asked me if she could go to Charlene's house to see if she could come out to play. It took me a second to figure out what she meant because Charlene is our upstairs neighbor and she is not a child.. at least physically. But I said, "sure."

So Magali asked Charlene to come out to play and Charlene said, "yes." They played hide and seek and Charlene read several books for which Magali kept running into the apartment.

Dash got in on the action in the end as the three above shots illustrate.

Thanks Charlene. You are one of my favorites of all of Magali's playmates.

More of today's pictures: HERE

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Mother's Hands...

Dash had his shirt on backwards so Mama helped him turn it around but not before performing a little puppet show in the parking lot of the mall.

More of today's pictures: HERE

Magali's Subtle Anti-War Statement

Magali with our neighbor's grandson, Hayden. She's using the camouflage netting on her army helmet as a black veil.

"The chain reaction of evil--wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

More of today's pictures: HERE